Thursday, December 2, 2010

Continuing Thoughts About of Montreal (see I spelled it nice this time). . .

Check this out.

It's an early version of this song.

One of these versions sounds more sincere than the other. And it's not because I'm one of those people who thinks that acoustic instruments are somehow more sincere than electronic. I'll take a thousand Gary Numan, Depeche Mode, Janelle Monae, Pet Shop Boys, Missy Elliotts, etc., before I'd ever listen again to Jeff Buckley, Billy Joel, Tori Amos, what have you. There's just something in the delivery that moves me, that's all. 

The first one feels like someone attempting to communicate something real, heartfelt, and raw. The second one, despite its swooning melody, sounds like a harsh cluttered nosebleed--the pitchfork writer, love him or hate him, had it right when he described the production as 'thin.' 

Well at least we know that Kevin Barnes is still capable of greatness. And I say this as someone who still treasures Cherry Peel, Satanic Panic, and others.

1 comment:

karen said...

Wow. I was really moved by the early version of the song. That's probably the first time an of Montreal song has truly drawn me in since 2005 or somewhere around there. As one of the early die hard fans of the band, I'm not sure if this revelation makes me feel better or worse. I'm going for better.