Saturday, December 4, 2010

Albums I Liked That Came Out This Year - Local & Otherwise

The Fall - Your Future Our Clutter


Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest 

Grape Soda - Form a Sign

Brian Eno - Small Craft On a Milk Sea

Kylie Minogue - Aphrodite

Vampire Weekend - Contra (although that Honda commercial sucks, but that's a subject for another post)

Honorable mention: M.I.A., Antony & the Johnsons, Quiet Hooves, Black Angels.

Is that ten? Does it matter? Another shoulder shrug of a year when it comes to new music. If you'd like to make a recommendation to me, of if you'd like to discuss any of these further, feel free to continue the discussion in the comments. Grape Soda review coming soon.

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